Logo Le selezioni d'autore

Hello & Welcome

‘Le selezioni d’autore’ was born from a demanding challenge that embraces the desire to create a line of cheeses anchored to the key values of the company philosophy and the Italian dairy tradition, while following the most contemporary trends.

Cremonesi Formaggi
Le selezioni d'autore - Panoramica prodotti
Le Selezioni d'autore

Made in Italy


The preservation of taste, quality and authenticity distinguish the products chosen for "Le selezioni d’autore", creating a work of art that satisfies the palate with new sensory experiences.

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Passion and Tradition

The exploitation of the simplest raw materials, the recovery of craftsmanship in the production process, the combination of high quality products and the love for our territory have prompted us to select the excellences of our country and create this line of cheeses.

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Are you interested in our products

Do you want to distribute the "Selezioni d’autore" line? Contact our representatives for all the information.
The secrets behind the "Le selezioni d’autore" brand

The values of tradition

The exploitation of the simplest raw materials, the recovery of craftsmanship in the production process, the combination of high quality products and the love for our territory have prompted us to select the excellences of our country and create this line of cheeses.

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